| Semi-annual | Sugar | Beijing | China - Peoples Republic of | 10/19/2011 In MY 2011/12, total sugar production is forecast at 11.8 MMT (raw value), up five percent due to an increase in acreage. In MY 2010/11, total sugar production is estimated at 11.2 MMT (raw value), down two percent because of frost damage. For MY 2011/12 sugar imports are forecast at 2.2 MMT (raw value), a 15 year record high on rising domestic consumption and consecutive years of low sugar production. Sugar Semi-annual_Beijing_China - Peoples Republic of_10-13-2011 |
| Annual | Sugar | Beijing | China - Peoples Republic of | 4/26/2011 For MY 2011/12, total sugar production is forecast at 12 MMT (raw value), up 6 percent from the current year on increased planted acreage. In MY 2010/11 total sugar production is estimated at 11.3 MMT (raw value), down 1 percent due to frost damage and low temperatures. MY 2010/11 and MY 2011/12 sugar consumption is forecast at 13.9 and 13.6 MMT (raw value), respectively, falling approximately 2 to 3 percent due to increased starch sweetener utilization. Sugar Annual_Beijing_China - Peoples Republic of_4-15-2011 |