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2012 Livestock Reports

Select Annual|Livestock and Products|Beijing|China - Peoples Republic of|9/26/2012

This report forecasts FAS/Beijing¡¯s estimates for 2013 and also includes revisions for 2012.  China¡¯s beef production in 2013 is forecast to increase less than one percent to 5.58 million metric tons (MMT), carcass weight equivalence (CWE).  Relatively low domestic production and rising demand by the middle class are expected to drive the 12 percent increase in beef imports to 34,000 MT (CWE).  Live cattle imports are forecast to increase by four percent to 120,000 head due to strong demand for ...
Livestock and Products Annual_Beijing_China - Peoples Republic of_9-23-2012

ATO Guangzhou engages Guangdong Provincial CIQ on frozen meat certif|Agricultural Situation Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards - Certification Livestock and Products|Guangzhou|China - Peoples Republic of|9/4/2012

ATO Guangzhou engages Guangdong Provincial CIQ on frozen meat certif_Guangzhou_China - Peoples Republic of_8-30-2012

| Livestock and Products | Beijing | China - Peoples Republic of | 3/1/2012
The Office of Agricultural Affairs/Beijing (OAA/Beijing) revised the 2012 forecast for China¡¯s beef production upward by 24,000 metric tons (MT), carcass weight equivalent (CWE), to 5.5 million metric tons (MMT).  The increase reflects fewer than expected outbreaks of foot and mouth disease (FMD), as well as higher slaughter weights, which were driven by improved feed quality.  Cattle exports are expected to increase 13 percent to 33,000 head, largely due to growing demand from slaughter facilit...
Livestock and Products Semi-annual_Beijing_China - Peoples Republic of_2-27-2012

| Meat Demand In Urban Chinese Households | Agricultural Situation, Livestock and Products, Agriculture in the Economy | Beijing ATO | China - Peoples Republic of | 2/23/2012
For many years, official meat demand in China is suspected to be underestimated. Yet, there is not enough empirical evidences for how much the disparity is. Also, as changes in Chinese meat demand may have significant effects on meat supply in both domestic and international markets, considering the nation¡¯s 1.3 billion population, factors influencing meat consumption remain unclear. Research jointly conducted by a top Chinese research institute and several land-grant universities in the US have...
Meat Demand In Urban Chinese Households_Beijing ATO_China - Peoples Republic of_1-5-2012


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