Oct 13 2008 | China, Peoples Republic of | Semi-Annual
Highlight: Total Chinese centrifugal sugar output is forecast to decrease slightly to 15.79 MMT (raw value) in marketing year (MY) 2008/09. Sugar beet acreage is forecast to rise five percent in MY08/09 and acreage for sugar cane is forecast to rise one percent, though yield and sugar content is forecast to return to normal. MY07/08 production is estimated at a record 15.9 MMT (raw value), ten percent higher than the previous estimate due to a record yield and area expansion. In MY07/08, a sluggish sugar market and rising corn prices combined to squeeze starch sweetener production and lower its use in the food and beverage sectors.
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Apr 16 2008 | China, Peoples Republic of | Annual
Highlight: Total Chinese centrifugal sugar output is forecast to decrease one percent to 14.35 MMT (raw value) in marketing year (MY) 2008/09. Sugar beet acreage is forecast to be unchanged in MY08/09 and acreage for sugar cane is forecast to rise two percent. MY07/08 production is estimated at a record 14.5 MMT (raw value), five percent higher than the previous estimate due to a record yield and area expansion. In MY07/08, starch sweeteners are estimated to be less price-competitive versus natural sugar due to rising corn prices and a government policy that will curb the further expansion of starch sweetener production.
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