Nov 29 2007 | China, Peoples Republic of | Annual Report Highlight: China¡¯s total 2008 milk production is expected to increase by nine percent to 39.1 MMT with cow milk accounting for 97 percent of output. Non-fat dry milk (NFDM) production is expected to increase by two percent to 65,000 MT in 2008. Whole-fat milk powder (WFMP) production in 2008 is expected to increase by nine percent to 1.3 MMT due to strong domestic demand. Despite increasing costs of production, higher international prices have pushed domestic production upwards and reduced imports. China¡¯s NFDM and WFMP imports in 2008 are expected to fall by seven and 11 percent to 39,000 MT and 51,000 MT respectively. China¡¯s whey imports in 2007 are also expected to fall by 12 percent, but import value is expected to increase considerably as a result of higher international prices. The United States is the second largest whey supplier to China. AQSIQ has accepted USDA/AMS export health certificates for U.S. dairy exports to China. CH7080 | View the Acrobat version | Download the MS Word version |