Dec 4 2007 | China, Peoples Republic of | Annual
Highlight: In MY07/08, China's planting seed supply for its main crops, including grain, oilseeds (soybeans, rapeseed and peanut) and cotton is expected to be sufficient with high surplus of hybrid corn and rice varieties. Imports of seeds for vegetables, turf grass, fruit/melon, and sunflower are expected to continue growing in MY07/08. Domestic seed marketing continues to be fragmented albeit the on-going reform and consolidations. The restrictive policy on seed trade, gentically engineered (GE) seeds, and foreign investment in the seed industry remains in place.
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Jun 26 2007 | China, Peoples Republic of | China's Rapeseed Production Situation
Highlight: China's rapeseed production for marketing year (MY) 2007/08 is expected to continue falling to an estimated 11.6 million metric tons (MMT) due to low profits in recent years versus other crops. However, China¡¯s rapeseed production is expected to increase moderately in MY08/09. China's rapeseed processing industry hope a bio-diesel boom will boost rapeseed planting and are calling for more governmental assistance.
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